2023 Conference Motion

The Labour Movement for Europe 2023 conference motion

The Labour Movement for Europe 2023 conference motion: 


XXX CLP notes that:

  • The Tories negotiated a hard Brexit in 2019 that has decimated exports, affected the cost of living, increased paperwork for business and led to thousands of jobs being lost.
  • As industries continue to relocate away from the UK, the window of opportunity to tackle the problems Brexit has caused to our economy and our country is narrowing as businesses transfer operations to other European nations and preference employing those with EU passports.
  • The European Union has shown itself willing to negotiate with the UK for mutual benefits including trade and security.

This CLP recognises that

  • Given the urgency of action to prevent further job losses, spending time and attention campaigning to rejoin the EU at present would not be in the best interests of the UK,
  • Our priority must be to salvage as much trade and as many opportunities including for our young people as possible,

This CLP therefore calls on Labour to

  • Make rebuilding our relationship with our European neighbours a priority for our first term in office for the benefit of national security, our economy, our climate and our trade
  • Include in Labour’s manifesto a commitment to reducing the paperwork Brexit has caused and securing better access to European Markets for British workers and businesses.
  • Commit to negotiating a visa system to tackle the travel and trading delays British business, students and workers are experiencing.