To solve the climate crisis, we need progressive forces to collaborate across borders, we don't need Brexit
The great challenges of our time- combatting climate change and ensuring a just transition to a carbon neutral economy- have no respect for national borders. It is only by working with our socialist friends and allies across Europe that we can build a truly Green New Deal.
Not only do we in the UK have much work still to do on that, we also have to seriously work together with our neighbours who are even further away from becoming carbon neutral than we are- Poland has just opened another coal power station! How can we expect to be able to positively influence our friends across Europe if we leave the EU?
From our current position as a big and influential member of the EU, we can be a leader on real progress in the move towards green energy, whilst protecting and enhancing quality of life. Labour MEPs have a proud record, along with our socialist colleagues, in working to protect our planet whilst at the same time working to create tens of thousands of new jobs across the continent as part of the transition to a low-emission, carbon-neutral economy.
Being a part of the Socialist and Democrat Group amplifies the power of the Labour Party in Europe and gives us real leverage in these debates which are so crucial to our future. Only if we stop Brexit can our movement truly start to build a climate neutral future that benefits the many, not the few.